Ultima Online Protocol :: Target
Packet # Packet Name Length Client Server Obsolete
0x6C Target 0x0013 X
Data Type Description
byte 0x6C The packet number.
byte Type The type of target.

  • 0x00 - Target Object
  • 0x01 - Target Ground
uint Serial The targeting cursor's serial (usually this is just the player's serial).
byte Flag
  • 0x00 - Normal
  • 0x01 - Criminal Action
  • 0x02 - Unknown
  • 0x03 - Cancel Target (server-side)
uint Target The target object's serial.

0x00000000 is the ground or a static object.
ushort X The X-axis position where the target is.

0xFFFF is used to cancel the target.
ushort Y The Y-axis position where the target is.

0xFFFF is used to cancel the target.
short Z The Z-axis position where the target is.
ushort Artwork The target object's artwork number (or body number if the target is a mobile).

0x0000 is the ground if Type is 0x01.

Packet Description:
The server sends this packet to bring up a targeting cursor, and the client sends it back after targeting
something or pressing the Escape key.