I've been into web design, programming, graphics, ect for over a decade now. I know a few web/programming languages pretty well myself. Although that doesn't mean that I'm not interested in maybe finding another person or two to help script for the shard or site.
This is just something I do in my spare time when I'm not at work and not busy with other things. I currently have the shard running on this pc that I use for every day things, since I kinda started it all as just messing about. I'm using RunUO 2.0 RC2, with client version It's actually running under Mono, since I use Linux on my home setup.
Even though it's my home setup, this pc is great when it comes to uptime. I rarely ever reset the thing, unless there's finally a kernel update. Although I usually even push those off for a while. I'm on a 20mb line, which I believe is more then plenty enough to host the shard on, for the time being at least. The pc is also hooked up to battery backups, just incase...hate power surges and annoying stuff like that.
Of course, I'm also hosting the site/forum on the same pc. I've only got it all setup with a basic forum at the moment, and a free no-ip domain. I haven't done much to the shard yet, besides add a few basic stuff.
Guess I'm just really looking for anyone that thinks they could help out. It could be with the shard, staffing it. Or with the site/forum, being a web master or just moderating the forum even. If you are interested, then you can either reply on here or just send a pm. Although, the best way to probably reach me would be by e-mail. Which is: jamesmoore404@gmail.com
Hope to hear from a few people.

Dragon Realm
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