This is the first version of UO to come out when it "Went Gold" back in 1997. September I think.
Box Art:
CD Art:
The game also came with a cloth map. Here is a high-res scan of it:
Download Location: (~500mb)
Why It's Of Interest:
Included in the data files are various things that were left out of subsequent releases.
These include but are not neccesarily limited to:
1) Animation graphics for 4 types of Children NPCs; 2 boys, and 2 girls.
2) Various types of armour unseen in modern UO, such as padded cloth, and bondage/sadomasochism gear.
3) The original Dungeon Doom mapdata, which eventually became the Fire and Ice dungeons.
4) Whips.
In the coming posts I will detail, with screenshots and other forms of media, these various "lost bits" of Ultima Online. Furthermore, efforts are underway to get this client to work under modern emulation software, which will allow more research to be done.
-Bicchus Dicchus