I am positive there was some new info found on this topic, but i can't find anything, I'm hoping to discover the purpose of the two unknown variables in TileData.mul
The public info on this file format is here: http://gonzo.kiev.ua/formats/file_formats.html#3.19
DWORD Flags (see below)
BYTE Weight (weight of the item, 255 means not movable)
BYTE Quality (If Wearable, this is a Layer. If Light Source, this is Light ID)
UWORD Unknown
BYTE Unknown1
BYTE Quantity (if Weapon, this is Weapon Class. If Armor, Armor Class)
UWORD Anim ID (The Body ID the animatation. Add 50,000 and 60,000 respectivefully to get the two gump indicies assocaited with this tile)
BYTE Unknown2
BYTE Hue (perhaps colored light?)
UWORD Unknown3
BYTE Height (If Conatainer, this is how much the container can hold)
CHAR[20] Tile Name
Unknown1 and Unknown2 are of intrerest. Please post if you know anything, i'll keep looking.