Pre-Alpha Client Leftovers: The Cursors

Pre-Alpha Client Leftovers: The Cursors

Postby Batlin on Wed Dec 02, 2009 3:30 pm

In the attached PDF file I've explored several UO clients (pre-alpha, uodemo, GOD, to understand the existance of unneeded LoadCursor calls in client.exe.

It's a technical read requiring assembly knowledge but I hope you find it interesting nonetheless.

If you have any questions or different opinions, feel free to post and discuss.
INSIDE THE ULTIMA ONLINE CLIENT - Alpha Client Left-Overs, The Cursors (Publish 1).pdf
(563.85 KiB) Downloaded 34 times
2. LoadCursor.jpg
2. LoadCursor.jpg (57.7 KiB) Viewed 246 times
<Derrick> RunUO AI is kind of a functional prototype, which i have hacked into something resembling OSI behavior, but only by complitcating everything
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