This resolves the unknown variables in tile data, as well as fixing some of the field sizes and correcting the Quantity field.
As there is no useful/functional reference to ItemData.Quantity or other changed fields in the default RunUO code it's not reccomened that you make this change unless you have a use for this information.
- Code: Select all
* TileData.cs
* -------------------
* begin : May 1, 2002
* copyright : (C) The RunUO Software Team
* email :
* $Id: TileData.cs 4 2006-06-15 04:28:39Z mark $
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
// Revised 9/16/2010 to correct tiledata structure, see: -=Derrick=-
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
namespace Server
public struct LandData
private string m_Name;
private TileFlag m_Flags;
public LandData( string name, TileFlag flags )
m_Name = name;
m_Flags = flags;
public string Name
get{ return m_Name; }
set{ m_Name = value; }
public TileFlag Flags
get{ return m_Flags; }
set{ m_Flags = value; }
public struct ItemData
private string m_Name;
private TileFlag m_Flags;
private byte m_Weight;
private byte m_Quality;
private int m_Quantity;
private ushort m_Value;
private byte m_Height;
public ItemData(string name, TileFlag flags, byte weight, byte quality, int quantity, ushort value, byte height)
m_Name = name;
m_Flags = flags;
m_Weight = weight;
m_Quality = quality;
m_Quantity = quantity;
m_Value = value;
m_Height = height;
/// <summary>
/// CHAR[20] Tile Name
/// </summary>
public string Name
get{ return m_Name; }
set{ m_Name = value; }
public TileFlag Flags
get{ return m_Flags; }
set{ m_Flags = value; }
public bool Bridge
get{ return (m_Flags & TileFlag.Bridge) != 0; }
if ( value )
m_Flags |= TileFlag.Bridge;
m_Flags &= ~TileFlag.Bridge;
public bool Impassable
get{ return (m_Flags & TileFlag.Impassable) != 0; }
if ( value )
m_Flags |= TileFlag.Impassable;
m_Flags &= ~TileFlag.Impassable;
public bool Surface
get{ return (m_Flags & TileFlag.Surface) != 0; }
if ( value )
m_Flags |= TileFlag.Surface;
m_Flags &= ~TileFlag.Surface;
/// <summary>
/// Weight (weight of the item, 255 means not movable)
/// </summary>
public int Weight
get{ return m_Weight; }
set{ m_Weight = (byte)value; }
/// <summary>
/// Quality (If Wearable, this is a Layer. If Light Source, this is Light ID)
/// </summary>
public int Quality
get{ return m_Quality; }
set{ m_Quality = (byte)value; }
/// <summary>
/// Quantity/MiscData: Resources: looks like visible amount, possibly amount required to construct, Books: pages, Scrolls: spell number, Weapon: Weapon Class, Armor: Armor Class
/// </summary>
public int Quantity
get{ return m_Quantity; }
set{ m_Quantity = value; }
/// <summary>
/// BaseValue (is used by vendors): Possibly the value of resources in the item.
/// </summary>
public int Value
get{ return m_Value; }
set{ m_Value = (ushort)value; }
/// <summary>
/// Height of item
/// </summary>
public int Height
get{ return m_Height; }
set{ m_Height = (byte)value; }
public int CalcHeight
if ( (m_Flags & TileFlag.Bridge) != 0 )
return m_Height / 2;
return m_Height;
public enum TileFlag
None = 0x00000000,
Background = 0x00000001,
Weapon = 0x00000002,
Transparent = 0x00000004,
Translucent = 0x00000008,
Wall = 0x00000010,
Damaging = 0x00000020,
Impassable = 0x00000040,
Wet = 0x00000080,
Unknown1 = 0x00000100,
Surface = 0x00000200,
Bridge = 0x00000400,
Generic = 0x00000800,
Window = 0x00001000,
NoShoot = 0x00002000,
ArticleA = 0x00004000,
ArticleAn = 0x00008000,
Internal = 0x00010000,
Foliage = 0x00020000,
PartialHue = 0x00040000,
Unknown2 = 0x00080000,
Map = 0x00100000,
Container = 0x00200000,
Wearable = 0x00400000,
LightSource = 0x00800000,
Animation = 0x01000000,
NoDiagonal = 0x02000000,
Unknown3 = 0x04000000,
Armor = 0x08000000,
Roof = 0x10000000,
Door = 0x20000000,
StairBack = 0x40000000,
StairRight = unchecked( (int)0x80000000 )
public class TileData
private static LandData[] m_LandData;
private static ItemData[] m_ItemData;
public static LandData[] LandTable
return m_LandData;
public static ItemData[] ItemTable
return m_ItemData;
private static byte[] m_StringBuffer = new byte[20];
private static string ReadNameString( BinaryReader bin )
bin.Read( m_StringBuffer, 0, 20 );
int count;
for ( count = 0; count < 20 && m_StringBuffer[count] != 0; ++count );
return Encoding.ASCII.GetString( m_StringBuffer, 0, count );
[System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1065:DoNotRaiseExceptionsInUnexpectedLocations", Justification = "This is done for the purpose of terminating the application.")]
static TileData()
string filePath = Core.FindDataFile( "tiledata.mul" );
if ( File.Exists( filePath ) )
Console.WriteLine("Loading TileData from {0}", filePath);
using ( FileStream fs = new FileStream( filePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read ) )
BinaryReader bin = new BinaryReader( fs );
m_LandData = new LandData[0x4000];
for ( int i = 0; i < 0x4000; ++i )
if ( (i & 0x1F) == 0 )
bin.ReadInt32(); // header
TileFlag flags = (TileFlag)bin.ReadInt32();
bin.ReadInt16(); // skip 2 bytes -- textureID
m_LandData[i] = new LandData( ReadNameString( bin ), flags );
m_ItemData = new ItemData[0x4000];
for ( int i = 0; i < 0x4000; ++i )
if ( (i & 0x1F) == 0 )
bin.ReadInt32(); // header
TileFlag flags = (TileFlag)bin.ReadInt32();
byte weight = bin.ReadByte(); // Weight (weight of the item, 255 means not movable
byte quality = bin.ReadByte(); // Quality (If Wearable, this is a Layer. If Light Source, this is Light ID)
int quantity = bin.ReadInt32(); // Quantity/MiscData: Resources: looks like visible amount, possibly amount required to construct, Books: pages, Scrolls: spell number, Weapon: Weapon Class, Armor: Armor Class
/*ushort animID =*/ bin.ReadUInt16(); // Anim ID (The Body ID the animatation. Add 50,000 and 60,000 respectivefully to get the two gump indicies assocaited with this tile)
/*ushort hue =*/ bin.ReadUInt16(); // Hue (perhaps colored light, or for client rendering)
ushort value = bin.ReadUInt16(); // BaseValue (is used by vendors): Possibly the value of resources in the item.
byte height = bin.ReadByte(); // Height of item
m_ItemData[i] = new ItemData( ReadNameString( bin ), flags, weight, quality, quantity, value, height );
Console.WriteLine( "tiledata.mul was not found" );
Console.WriteLine( "Make sure your Scripts/Misc/DataPath.cs is properly configured" );
Console.WriteLine( "After pressing return an exception will be thrown and the server will terminate" );
throw new Exception( String.Format( "TileData: {0} not found", filePath ) );