how callbacks and advanced callbacks work

how callbacks and advanced callbacks work

Postby Batlin on Fri Dec 03, 2010 2:24 pm

The callback functions:

There are 9 of them, with the doubles removed, 7 remain :
    void callback(object, integer, integer);
    void shortCallback(object, integer, integer);
    void removeCallback(object, integer);
    void removeCallbackAdvanced(object, integer, integer);
    integer hasCallback(object, integer);
    integer hasCallbackAdvanced(object, integer, integer);
    void callbackAdvanced(object, integer, integer, integer);

callback, shortCallback and callbackAdvanced can be used to register a new callback. This is the definition of callbackAdvanced: callbackAdvanced(object Item, int Ticks, int FunctionID, int CallbackID). callback and shortCallback default to calling callbackAdvanced with a function ID of 5. The difference between callback and shortCallback is that shortCallback uses ticks whereas callback uses seconds as a parameter. callbackAdvanced also works with ticks. You convert seconds to ticks by multiplying the value with 4. (see

The function ID tells the core (uodemo.exe) what to do when the callback is triggered. The FunctionID should never be 0, it should be a number between 1 and 20, any other value will cause a big crash. You have been warned. This is a screenshot of the function list inside the EXE:
Callback Function List.png
Callback Function List.png (17.98 KiB) Viewed 56 times
Knowing what the exact purpuse is of the 20 different function ID's will require more research! I have identified 2 for you already (see screenshot).

If the callback has been triggered the callback will be automatically removed. This results in a full restart of the callback if it was already active.

When you register a new callback, any existing callback with both the same function id and callback ID will be removed.

It's important to note that not all callbacks will be saved (into dynamic0):
CallbackCanBeSaved.png (16.01 KiB) Viewed 56 times
This screenshots means in human language: callbacks with a function ID of 7, 10, 11 will not be saved.

I hope this post answers some questions...
<Derrick> RunUO AI is kind of a functional prototype, which i have hacked into something resembling OSI behavior, but only by complitcating everything
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