Can't access/edit server details.

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Can't access/edit server details.

Postby Servus on Thu Jan 27, 2011 3:59 am

Hi Derrick, I'm having a problem adding my server to my shard list. When I try, it just re-directs me here even though I can log in here with the same info that isn't working there. I don't think that my account info has changed in any way but I could be wrong.

My question is two-fold. A) Can you help me get my shard onto my my-shard list so that I may edit/update the server information and banner. And B) I've had my server down for some time now, working on it privately to get it more stable/complete and now I'm taking it public again. Since I'm basically adding in a new server, could I have my server placed on the New Shards list that is in the upper left of the JoinUO Shard List website?

I appreciate anything you can do.
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Re: Can't access/edit server details.

Postby Derrick on Thu Jan 27, 2011 4:47 am

It may be prudent to just delete the exiting shard and create a new one, of course you can't do that without logging in. If you did this you'd lose all the existing charts, but if it's been down for such a long time, that may not be a concern.

As far as the difficulty in logging into the main site, once you are logged in here, and then you go there, you should be logged in there; if not it may be because you have cookies disabled in your browser. You must enable cookies on this site to use the login features of the shard list.

Once you are able to access "My Shards", you can import your existing shard using the link on that page.

If you have any further trouble with that post here or PM me. If you need more hands on help, hop in IRC tomorrow. I'm just out for the night but will be glad to help get this resolved tomorrow personally if need be.

Best regards!
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Re: Can't access/edit server details.

Postby Servus on Thu Jan 27, 2011 6:01 pm

I appreciate the insight Derrick, I've managed to get into my old server and am deleting it. Well, I couldn't find the delete shard option, so i just renamed it "Dead shard"... If you could delete that it's on the 2nd page of the server list.

I'll be re-adding to the list later today.
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Re: Can't access/edit server details.

Postby Derrick on Fri Jan 28, 2011 3:57 pm

Great. I removed this entry for you. Welcome back!
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