UO client database: Versions 1.25.35- and counting...

UO client database: Versions 1.25.35- and counting...

Postby Mantis Atlantis on Wed Jan 19, 2011 5:28 am

Awhile back, I found myself with a need to switch between a couple of drastically different UO client versions for whatever reason. Instead of keeping two separate copies of the client on my machine, I figured it might be easier just to have a couple of different versions checked into an SVN repository and switch between them.

While I was at it, I decided to just create a copy of every patch version of client ever released! Now, you can have a single client installed on your machine that -- on a whim -- can become any other client version. You'll need to install Subversion (or probably TortoiseSVN).

You can browse the client repository here.

Want client version 1.25.35?
Code: Select all
svn checkout http://svn.twuni.net/uoclient/t2a/tags/by-version/1.25.35 C:\JoinUO\Client

Have you already checked out a client and need to switch to version 3.0.0?
Code: Select all
svn switch http://svn.twuni.net/uoclient/t2a/tags/by-version/3.0.0 C:\JoinUO\Client

Trying to figure out what changed between client version 1.26.0a and 1.26.0b?
Code: Select all
svn diff http://svn.twuni.net/uoclient/t2a/tags/by-version/1.26.0a http:/svn.twuni.net/uoclient/t2a/tags/by-version/1.26.0b

Wonder which client patches modified client.exe?
Code: Select all
svn log http://svn.twuni.net/uoclient/t2a/trunk/client.exe

If you're not terribly familiar with running SVN command-line, I recommend TortoiseSVN. It makes dealing with SVN much simpler on Windows. Either way, it will be much easier to visualize the differences between the client versions you care about.

If you want to build your own client database (or if you're just curious about how this one was built), check out the tools at http://svn.twuni.net/uoclient/tools/trunk/.

Mantis Atlantis
Posts: 1
Joined: Wed Jan 19, 2011 4:34 am

Re: UO client database: Versions 1.25.35- and countin

Postby Derrick on Thu Jan 20, 2011 3:10 pm

This is very handy, thanks much for maintaining this and making it public!
Site Admin
Posts: 250
Joined: Tue Jun 17, 2008 2:33 pm

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