RW Gaming is looking to hire a single counselor to fill a player support role on our UOML customs server, RW Resurrected. Applicants without experience need not apply.
Your application will be reviewed by RW Gaming's senior staff, and RW Resurrected's support team coordinator.
You should fill out the following application and e-mail it to If we are interested in having you on our team we will reply to your e-mail with any questions we have, and then an interview will be conducted over ICQ. It is preferred that you do not already play on any RW Gaming server, but you are free to play upon hiring.
The application is in PDF format, and can be filled out using the free Acrobat PDF Viewer. Again, all responses should be e-mailed to
RW Gaming Entry Level Position Application 2010
Thank you,
Jim Hughes aka Grath Longfletch
RW Gaming Network Director