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Force Client Map Update

PostPosted: Sat Jan 15, 2011 3:17 am
by praxiiz
Hello Everyone, I'm new here. I was hoping someone experienced in ASM could help me out.
I'm trying to find a way to force the client to reload map data. I've been going through the assembly a little at a time, but I'm not very fast at it (I've had some ASM experience, but not much). Does anyone have any tips?

I was trying to find where the client processes its network packets so I could trace the packet that the server sends to tell the client to update its position. What I'm really looking for is the portion of code the client uses to load data from its map files.

Re: Force Client Map Update

PostPosted: Mon Jan 31, 2011 2:55 pm
by Batlin
I've been thinking about this for some time.

I don't know where the packets are processed. Never really investigated. The easiest way would be to set a post-breakpoint on the recv function and then configure the breakpoint as a conditional breakpoint where the breakpoint will only break if your intended packet was received. But whatever you do, the client will just copy the received data to a buffer and then process it later on. So you'll have to set a memory breakpoint in the buffer and then continue when that one breaks.

Don't debug with Razor attached, instead, use UO_RICE to remove the encryption from the client.

If you could tell us what client you're working with we might be able to help you better.