GM-like power script

GM-like power script

Postby Batlin on Thu Sep 09, 2010 11:06 pm

I've created a script to give you some god-like powers, the script is limited but it's a good start.

Commands supported

Version 1.0
[tele, [teleport - teleports you to a location, you can optionally provide a X, Y and/or Z
[where - gives your location
[getserial - gets the serial id/number of a mobile or object
[getelevation - gets the raw and averaged elevation of a tile
[getheight - gets the height of a mobile or object (mobiles have a fixed height of 16 anyways)
[gethue - gets the hue of a mobile or object
[sethue X - sets the hue of a mobile or object where X is the required hue number
[spawn X - spawns a NPC at the targetted location, X is a NPC number (refer to templatestable.dat.q)
[test canseeloc - test if you can see a targetted location
[test canseeobj - test if you can see a targetted object


1) You must be running the demo using atleast method 3 as described here :
2) Download the attached ZIP-file
3) Extract the 3 files and place them in the rundir/scripts directory, overwriting sdb.txt.q
NOTE: this will break any others scripts that you created yourself due to the shared SDB
4) Add "gmcheat" to the loginscr.txt (reference=
5) Test and enjoy the power
GM cheat (1.0).zip
(61.67 KiB) Downloaded 15 times
<Derrick> RunUO AI is kind of a functional prototype, which i have hacked into something resembling OSI behavior, but only by complitcating everything
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Re: GM-like power script

Postby roguan on Thu Sep 09, 2010 11:14 pm

Great job! Thanks for this!

Works great for the functions I've used!

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Joined: Tue Sep 07, 2010 1:57 pm

Re: GM-like power script

Postby roguan on Mon Sep 13, 2010 11:30 am

Commands supported

Version 1.1
[listskills - shows a list of skills and their indices
[setskill X Y - sets skills with index X to a value of Y (0-100)
[setskill all Y - sets all skills to a value of Y (0-100)
[spawnitem X - spawns an item of type X, refer to ItemIDList.log in attached zip for list of items and id numbers

Version 1.0
[tele, [teleport - teleports you to a location, you can optionally provide a X, Y and/or Z
[where - gives your location
[getserial - gets the serial id/number of a mobile or object
[getelevation - gets the raw and averaged elevation of a tile
[getheight - gets the height of a mobile or object (mobiles have a fixed height of 16 anyways)
[gethue - gets the hue of a mobile or object
[sethue X - sets the hue of a mobile or object where X is the required hue number
[spawn X - spawns a NPC at the targetted location, X is a NPC number (refer to templatestable.dat.q)
[test canseeloc - test if you can see a targetted location
[test canseeobj - test if you can see a targetted object


1) You must be running the demo using atleast method 3 as described here : viewtopic.php?f=32&t=327.
2) Download the attached ZIP-file
3) Extract the 3 files and place them in the rundir/scripts directory, overwriting sdb.txt.q
NOTE: this will break any others scripts that you created yourself due to the shared SDB
NOTE: gmcheat.m.C is not included in v1.1
4) Add "gmcheat" to the loginscr.txt (reference=
5) Test and enjoy the power
GM cheat (1.1).zip
(111.9 KiB) Downloaded 19 times
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Re: GM-like power script

Postby Derrick on Tue Sep 14, 2010 1:30 pm

This is just awesome. I don't know what to say.
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Re: GM-like power script

Postby roguan on Tue Sep 14, 2010 7:14 pm

I think you just said it ;)
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Joined: Tue Sep 07, 2010 1:57 pm

Re: GM-like power script

Postby Kaivan on Mon Oct 18, 2010 4:15 am

Just a small heads up if it hasn't already been discussed. After writing my own similar hacking script (mostly for the experience), I've discovered something rather cool. When you use the [spawn command, if you put a template ID that's NOT an NPC, it will still spawn the given template. This means we can create our own items by placing the items into the templates file (and using an item that doesn't have a script in the scripts folder), and we can easily gain access to other items in game that would normally be unavailable (house deeds, etc).
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Re: GM-like power script

Postby roguan on Mon Oct 18, 2010 6:43 am

That's really cool! Thanks for the heads up!
Posts: 17
Joined: Tue Sep 07, 2010 1:57 pm

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