I discovered it a while ago, but think that can be useful.
Originally, client does not show No Draw items, i was searching way to make it show.
The ranges of these items is known:
0x2198 - 0x21A4 (9821 and A421 in hex view)
0x21BC (BC21)
And if you'll try search these values inside client, you will find it in two places:
1. Item drawing "filter"
2. Ctrl+Shift handler
In hex they are looks like:
3D A421
3D 9821
3D BC21
81FB A421
81FB 9821
81FB BC21
If you'll replace values with 0x00, you'll be able to see no draw items in-game.
p.s. God Client have option to toggle "Show No Draw Items".
p.s. maybe Original client have same option hidden somewhere, maybe not.
p.s. I'm making little program that will patch running client memory to switch nodraw drowing.