I found a blurb on Raph's site that stated the script language was called Wombat
http://www.raphkoster.com/2007/12/19/linkrealms/ wrote:How about we release a binary of the server, and full docs on Wombat, the scripting language. Sure, the hue tool is nicer than what we have, but we do have nicer map edit tools and stuff than third parties do now. Let people buy a license to run UO elsewhere. But make it so that you cannot connect to these servers directly. Instead, you have to come through an official OSI server. People who run servers can place red moongates (the moongates that in the Ultima fiction meant travel between parallel universes) on the official map. These moongates would reconnect your client to the player-run world. And we can do a unidirectional copy of their character, so they can visit these worlds without losing anything — they just can’t bring anything back.